Life Coach Claygate

So this is me…

Here I am in my favourite place, with a cup of tea, my furry friend and ready for a session in my cabin in the garden.

I live just south of London close to where I grew up, in the village where our 2 children also spent their childhoods. But here’s a few things that not everyone knows!

  • I spent 2 years living in Germany on a British Army base when I taught servicemen’s children - an interesting time!

  • I spent a year as a ‘resort wife’ in Fort Lauderdale, Florida! Not my cup of tea…

  • Another 2 years were spent in a village in Wales where the local post office was in my neighbour’s front room!

  • I had a long and successful career as a teacher and a special educational needs advisor but also had spells of running my own businesses - selling children’s books, making curtains and soft furnishings, running a kid’s art club and arty parties!

  • I am a life long creative and will turn my hand to most crafts - I’m currently looking to learn to work with clay… so watch this space!

  • I fully intend never to stop learning - there will never be enough hours in a day to learn all the things I want to learn!

  • I yearned for a duck egg blue Mini for years and when I eventually got one, I hated it!

  • My children spent years pleading for a dog, for me always to say no… until an imminent ‘empty nest’ led me to realising that it was actually quite a good idea - they still haven’t forgiven me!