Your creative life starts here…
Your creative life starts here… *
Join me to unlock your creativity for happiness, health and wellbeing.
I’m Jo Slessor, certified life coach, teacher, and creative arts practitioner, founder of Dandelion Creative Wellbeing.
Dandelion Creative Wellbeing weaves all the threads of my lived and learned experience to bring to life a truly unique offer embracing coaching, creativity and wellbeing with a solid foundation of recognised qualifications and wide ranging experience.. You are invited to join me and experience whichever strands are right for you:
Through one to one coaching, women’s creative events and bespoke creative wellbeing workshops, I work from my home and cabins in the garden in Surrey and coach face to face or via Zoom to wherever you are.
“I have better boundaries and take time for myself - engaging and enjoying creative projects just for me, as well as getting outside every day, doing yoga and swimming.”
Ways we can work together
1:1 Coaching for Wellbeing
Standalone session or a 3 month series of nurturing and heart centered coaching for quieter, reflective women.
Creativity for Wellbeing
Craft and creativity workshops, events and weekly Crafting Conversations women’s gatherings.
Craft as Therapy
Bespoke therapeutic sessions to support mental health, stress and anxiety. Neurodiversity and trauma informed.
“A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life.”
Elizabeth Gilbert - ‘Big Magic’